A word from Lily Snowden, EUMC Treasurer 2024-2025
Hi everyone,
I’m Lily, the treasurer this year. It's my job to manage the club financially, ensuring the best value for members whilst also making sure we work in an ethical and sustainable way. My main goal in this role is making the club as financially accessible as possible – if you have any good ideas about how I can do better I’m super up for a chat.
This is a fairly lengthy section, but is worth reading if you want to understand more about how the club works.
Here we go:
Full year membership is £50 per year for students (£60 for non-students).
Single semester membership is £30 per semester (£35 for non-students).
The club is a non-profit organisation and members see all of their money come back to them in various ways:
- Mountaineering Scotland membership (which includes your/our insurance)
- Subsidised meets
- Gear store upgrades
- Cheaper gear store hire
- Socials
- Training & instruction
- Mitigating our environmental impact
- Occasional educational talks
- Other things like weekly round-up prizes & things I can’t currently remember
i.e. many good things and whopping good value for money.
If you know you’re joining please get your membership here.
If you don’t know if you’re joining yet, you can make that decision once you’re sure this is the club for you. You can even come on 1 weekend meet before deciding:
You get 1 ‘free’ meet on the club where you don’t need membership but still pay for the trip – this is designed to let you try the club out before committing to membership – (but we know you’ll stay hehe). Please don’t try and get 2 ‘free’ meets as I will be keeping track. (Freshers week trips don’t count towards that tally.)
On top of membership, you do have to pay for meets– these are usually between £20 and £30 with day trips coming in at £5 -£10. This just covers the cost of accommodation and travel. These are usually sold through the SU website and go live 8am Wednesday.
You also pay for some socials, again, as cheap as possible ( and always worth it )
If you pay for a meet but then can’t go, so long as there is someone on our waiting lists (posted on facebook), and the trip is full, and they then take your space, then you’ll get a refund. You can either organise the money between the 2 of you or it can come through the club.
We take minibuses/coaches on most of our trips but also drive in cars. If you want to drive on a meet you have to take yummicks who have signed up for the trip and you still pay the price of the accommodation, but I will refund you all the fuel you use – i.e. a pretty sweet deal. Also, you literally have your own car. If you’ve agreed to drive on a meet (this will be approximately 1 week beforehand) you won’t have to buy a ticket as we’ll already know you’re coming and I’ll just ask you to transfer/pay the accommodation price.
If you drive a minibus for us its the same situation you just pay for accommodation for that meet, and get refunded by the club for fuel.
If I ever say I’m going to transfer you money, I definitely will – it just might take some time. Internet business banking for 300+ members can be a bit of a slog so I much prefer to do it all in one go rather than as details come in – hopefully, this is understandable. That said, students and cash flow issues are pretty mutually inclusive, so don’t hesitate to contact me if you need refunds/reimbursements etc in a more timely manner.
If you have more questions, find me in person or contact me via Facebook Messenger or email (mountaineering@ed.ac.uk)!